This dramedy-within-a-sitcom show is all about settling in life, marriage and relationships, especially romantic relationships, and then waking up to who you are and what you really want and need. I can't stop thinking about it, Annie Murphy's performance, the way it's structured and written — and that manic intrusive laugh track, which can just get the f.... outta here.
Kevin Can F... Himself isn't just a PG-rated title, but a symbol of a character who struggles to express her deepest, most troubling emotions about how her life has turned out —until the moment she decides that her dead marriage and small-town working class life isn't going to be the sum total of who she is.
I know it's called Everybody Loves Raymond but I've always called it Everyone Loves Raymond and apparently I can't stop now. I actually find it very very funny, a sort of laugh-until-you-cry —with recognition — show. Even when the stereotypes chafe, there is so much truth in them.
Fleabag is the most original comedy to hit the screens in decades. It's my reference point for groundbreaking writing and producing — well, until the next Phoebe Waller-Bridge comedy project, I guess.
All these years later, justice has still never felt as delicious as in the cameo-studded video for Goodbye Earl.
Thanks for listening! Connect with me on Twitter: poppy_confesses (I don't bite! I would love to hear from you.)