
Oct. 7, 2021

Calling Every Body: the Radical Romance of Shrill/This Way Up/Dietland

These funny, sharp TV shows written by women knock fat- and mental illness shaming on its behind, and tell stories of hard-won self-acceptance instead. It's about embracing our deepest desires and the person we are, not who They say we should be. It's about romancing yourself. CW: mentions of body shaming, anti-fat bias, mental illness, and briefly, abortion, weight loss and suicide ideation.

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Sept. 23, 2021

Goodbye Romance Shame, Part 2

It's the first anniversary of this podcast! Turns out, I'm even more in love with romantic TV shows, movies and books one year on. And still feel no shame--mostly--crushing on romance. So in support and love for the genre, le...

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Sept. 9, 2021

Dear Darling: the Romance of Letters & Messages

There's nothing more intimate than a letter, card, text or message written for your eyes only. The epistolary novel has been popular for centuries, and romantic stories using this device can feel like the best kind of eavesdropping.

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Aug. 26, 2021

The Sweet, Sexy Cinnamon Roll

The sweet, sexy romantic cinnamon roll: there's no better hero in all of Romancelandia. Let's explore this gooey hearted, tender fictional confection and why this character brings all the feels.

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Aug. 12, 2021

Love in Unexpected Places: Her/City of Angels/ Tangled Wires

Intimacy and love can be found in the most unexpected places. In sci-fi and fantasy-tinged romance, that means online, offline, synthetic or organic, from a lab, with creatures on earth or heaven above. Open hearts find love everywhere.

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July 29, 2021

Bodyguard Romance: The Bodyguard/Girl Gone Viral/Dangerous Beauty

Sometimes all I want in this world is strong arms around me, someone who has my back, and a soft place to fall. That's when I pull out a good bodyguard romance. Nothing in the world makes me feel safer than these stories. They've got me dreaming of an avenger, a 24/7 personal protection officer of my very own.

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July 15, 2021

Romantic Capers: Murder Mystery/The Lovebirds/Date Night

There's nothing like the bubbly fun, clever banter and twisty plots of a romantic caper movie*. It's just the thing when you crave romance and sexy flirting in beautiful settings, plus a dash of gentle mystery and mild suspense. *Episode contains spoilers. Lots.

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July 1, 2021

Romantic Recycling: When Harry Met Sally/Groundhog Day

Many contemporary romances are based on, or inspired by, rom-com movies. Turns out recycling romance is good for the narrative arc--and heart as well.

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June 17, 2021

The Romance of Rock

Music romances and seduces listeners, sometimes gently and sometimes with a rough, dirty, driving, relentless hot beat. That kind of romance rocks, and its rockstars are sex on legs.

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June 3, 2021

Sex Positivity: Easy/The Overnight/The Intimacy Experiment

I crave more sex- and age-positivity, a wider range of human sexuality and relationship, in the romantic TV shows and movies that I watch now. Romance novels have always done a great job at representing shame-free sexuality, desire, and fantasy. But the Netflix series Easy and the movie The Overnight also get it right.

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May 20, 2021

Sporty Romance

Romances about people at the height of their physical prowess in pro sports finding love with a partner who matches their wit and talents is a bit unfair to us mere mortals. But I'll live vicariously through these stories all day long.

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May 6, 2021

Romantic Belonging

Found family, partners, true-blue friends: it's all about the groups of people who claim us, warm our hearts, and have our backs no matter what, who help us feel that we belong.

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April 22, 2021

Romantic Banter

Banter is the best kind of romantic conversation, full of wit and emotional tension, leaving clues for us about how the couple really feels about each other. The best banter strip teases for our brain. It's verbal foreplay for the hot action to come. It's all about the juicy, sexy romantic banter in this episode.

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April 8, 2021

The Romance Spectrum: The Kiss Quotient/The Bride Test/Doc Martin

Human beings exist on a spectrum of diversity and differences, and romances that reflect that are touching my heart lately. The widest range of life experiences represented in stories can only be a good thing.  Being seen and accepted, not treated as an exception, is inspiring. It's all part of the flow of life.

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March 25, 2021

Intimate Worlds: You've Got Mail/Love Lettering

Some of my favorite romantic stories create intimate worlds where true, vulnerable, heartfelt things can be said--and done. Sometimes it takes half the story to get there, sometimes it takes most of the story, but it's always worth the wait for that magic moment when characters finally bare their hearts.

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March 11, 2021

Romantic Longing: 500 Days of Summer/La La Land

Unrequited love, "the timing's wrong" coupling, enemies to friends, friends to lovers, and then sometimes back to friends. What are these relationships about? Does chemistry even need a category? Some unforgettable romantic movies pin down that bittersweet, undeniable connection.

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Feb. 25, 2021

Choose Your Own Trope Adventure

Most romance makes me feel warm, optimistic and hopeful. But sometimes hot and kinky is what you need. A touch of BDSM. Sex with an alien. The wild fantasies of some contemporary romances practically catch fire on the page. And sometimes non-fancy hot sex with good communication and a considerate fictional character who appeals to you does the trick. It's risk-free,  shame-free pretend in this episode, in any flavor you want. Vanilla?  I'm here to support it all.

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Feb. 11, 2021

Love, Sex and Romance - After 40 Edition

I've been having fun reading a ton of contemporary romances featuring buff young things getting it on. But it's time to get real: which means ageless love, with plenty of imperfection, wisdom and fun thrown in. It's romance full of humor, honesty, acceptance and kindness. The sexiest combo I know.

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Jan. 28, 2021

Tardy to the Alpha Party: Fifty Shades/Crazy Rich Asians

It's all about the alpha male today. Because he likes it that way, and dammit, makes me like it too. Plus, nobody ties a sexier Windsor knot than Jamie Dornan as Christian Grey. https://www.confessionsofaclosetromantic.com Is...

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Jan. 14, 2021

The New Ton: Bridgerton & Sanditon

Who knew that Empire-waist dresses, waistcoats, cravats and women discovering their own power could be so sexy? Well, fans of Regency romance know. It's all about the debs and the Dukes in this episode. These two shows are t...

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Dec. 31, 2020

The Comfort of Corny Romance

Nothing wrong with indulging in slightly corny and comforting romantic movies. I talk about a bunch of my favorites in this episode, chock full of cheese (the tasty romantic kind). https://www.confessionsofaclosetromantic.com...

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Dec. 17, 2020

A Cozy, Humorous Holiday: Little Women/The Family Stone

The March and Stone families give us the cozy, faithful and often funny holiday we all need this year. https://www.confessionsofaclosetromantic.com Trailers: Little Women (1933) Little Women (1949) Little Women (1994) Little ...

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Dec. 3, 2020

Grand Romantic Gestures & the Little Things

This episode is about one of my favorite romantic tropes of all time: the grand--or small but meaningful--romantic gesture. https://www.confessionsofaclosetromantic.com Stream NBC's Lipstick Jungle here The Age of Innocence t...

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Nov. 19, 2020

Tale of Woe: the Heartbreak and Happiness of Jane Eyre

In this episode I talk about one of the best filmed versions of the classic novel Jane Eyre: the 2011 romantic movie with Michael Fassbender and Mia Wasikowska. In my humble opinion, ahem. https://www.confessionsofaclosetroma...

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